An animated Explainer is a short video that illustrates complex ideas in simple, engaging, and meaningful ways. It generally comprises technical information and is broken down into digestible and engaging content.

This is what the team at Revyre were in search of when they came to us with their video request. They had an incredibly technical and complex process that they wanted simplified for non-technical audiences.

We suggested the use of 2d motion graphics to enable us to tell the story. The story in this case is a 2 step tyre recycling process.  

The process of creating an animation requires an investment from all parties into pre-production. This is generally the most time-consuming part of the process. Once we have all agreed on the outcome of script and style frames, it’s generally quite a quick process to turn around. Animation isn’t always the cheapest video solution, however, it’s extremely effective. CAW Video can advise you on the process and exactly what will be involved from a time and cost perspective.

Revyre went through a re-branding and so we needed to update all the colours and assets throughout the animation.

If you have a complex idea or message that you would like broken down into an animated explainer then talk to the team today and let us help you achieve it!

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Client Testimonial

The team at CAW are extremely professional and detailed in their approach. Their desire to understand your business inside and out and fully entrench themselves to garner a full understanding, is what makes them so special. Not to mention their ongoing communication throughout the project, providing updates and ideas for consideration. REVYRE would strongly recommend CAW and appreciate all the hard work put in to deliver our corporate video and explainer animation.


Brett Sachs