Why video production is imperative to your marketing budget

The world has changed and gone are the days of television broadcast advertising. Your customers are watching and sharing social media video content daily and users are hungry for more and more video content. Any brand that’s not creating video and promoting it on social media, is missing out on huge opportunities. Renderforest Survey found that videos helped businesses increase: Brand awareness by 70%, Traffic by 51%, Sales by 34%.

Why video production is imperative to your marketing budget

The good news is, corporate video production is more affordable than ever before. So why should you be putting video on top of your list of marketing activities for 2023:

  • Staying Ahead Of Your Competitors – Your competitors are already leveraging social video content and a recent survey shows that 85 percent of businesses are using video as a marketing tool.  It’s clear that corporate video production is important for growing your brand.
  • Watch Or Read – People prefer not to read content anymore. Our attention spans have dramatically reduced and we want to consume short form, punchy content. Video is a far better way to draw attention – it shows off your brand, it’s easier to understand and has the ability to be shared amongst different social platforms.
  • Video Algorithms Are Favoured – Video is unique in its ability to connect with viewers on an emotional level and is the preferred form of media nowadays. Social networks favour video in their algorithms, knowing that this rich content is favoured by users. Video not only helps your SEO scores and algorithms, but it gives your business an easy way to showcase its products and services in a precise way which is favoured by social networks.
  • Social Or Viral Video – Many people confuse social video with viral video, but there’s a key difference. Social media videos may not get millions of views but can still be a success. If your company sells office furniture, a video that shows customers how to pair your products to create a beautiful office space, might be a success with only 600 views (if those views come from your target market). Yes, it’s about shareability, but shareability among your target market is key.
  • Millennials – Millennials are spending less time watching broadcast television channels and more time watching video on their mobile devices, laptops or their smart TV. Why would you want to be locked into a television channel structure when you can choose what you want to watch and when? By 2030, millennials will comprise 75 percent of the global workforce, making it hard to ignore video platforms that resonate so well with this key audience.
  • Return On Investment – Social media videos can deliver impressive ROI. This is probably the biggest pressure point for your business, so here are some figures: 72 percent of businesses who use video say it has increased website conversion rates. 74 percent of all internet traffic comes from video.
  • ROI Tracking – Your return on investment for social video depends on how you choose to use it. Every business will have differing targets and goals. If you want to use video to promote your new product or volume of sales, then traffic to your website might be the metric you track. If it’s going to be used for lead generation, the metric might be newsletter signups. The key thing is that you actually set goals and track the success of your videos using analytics. It’s only through tracking that you will learn what works with your audience and what doesn’t, allowing you to refine your social video strategy.
  • Endless Possibilities – Whether you run a small business or work for a large organisation, there are many different ways to fit social media videos into your marketing strategy. Social media videos can deliver on a number of marketing objectives. The most obvious are building brand awareness or telling your brand’s story.So it should be evident as to why video production should be imperative to your marketing budget.
Create x Wonder Video has worked with many Kiwi businesses to create meaningful brand videos, talk to us today about how we can help you too.